Red Discord Bot Slot Machine

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  1. Discord Slot Bot Commands
  2. Red Discord Bot Slot Machines
  3. Discord Slot Bot Money

Type ,help (or ,h for short) for a DM containing all the commands. Type ,help <command> for more info on a command.

,profile,pShow your leveler progress. Default to yourself.
,profilesetChange settings of your profile.
,toplevel,lbShow the server leaderboard!
,bank,bManage the bank.
,bank balance,balShow the user's account balance.
,leaderboard,clbPrint the currency leaderboard.
,payday,pdGet some free currency.
,payoutsShow the payouts for the slot machine.
,slotUse the slot machine.

Really good bot by the way, been testing it since yesterday and everyone has fun with the extra features like the slots or the gif search. Also I find it very good that the volume control is the actual bot user so everyone can have it to their liking instead of a really low sound like other bots did. Keep up the awesome work. Or you can try to get cookies by using the slots command to play with the Slot Machine. Here you will find some random commands. You can search for animes or even get a random color code. In this category you will find some basic commands for the bot. Shift+1 and Ctrl+1 save and load from Slot 1. Discord gambling bot hack, discord invite bot hack, discord slot bot hack, discord giveaway bot hack, discord casino bot hack, discord badge hack, discord nitro boost hack, discord hack client. 10 (because I started my hack in this version) and pixi, specificly with sprite value 72, while trying to.

,adventure,aThis will send you on an adventure!
,backpack,abThis shows the contents of your backpack.
,backpack trade,atTrade an item from your backpack to another user.
,equip,aeThis equips an item from your backpack.
,heroclassThis allows you to select a class if you are Level 10.
,loadoutSetup various adventure settings.
,loot,alThis opens one of your precious treasure chests.
,loot normal,alnThis opens one of your normal treasure chests.
,skill,askThis allows you to spend skillpoints.
,stats,asThis draws up a charsheet of you or an optionally specifi..
,unequipThis stashes a specified equipped item into your backpa..
,allinBets all your currency for a chance to win big!
,blackjack,bjPlay a game of blackjack.
,casino,cInteracts with the Casino system.
,casino info,ciInteracts with the Casino system.
,coinCoin flip game with a 50/50 chance to win.
,crapsPlays a modified version of craps
,cupsGuess which cup of three is hiding the coin.
,diceRoll a set of dice and win on 2, 7, 11, 12.
,doublePlay a game of Double Or Nothing.
,hiloPick high, low, or 7 in a dice rolling game.
,warPlay a modified game of war.
,trivia list,trvcList available trivia categories.
,trivia [categories..],trvStart trivia session on the specified categories.
,trivia stop,trv stopStop an ongoing trivia session.
,inspireme,ibFetch a random 'inspirational message' from the bot.
,fertilize,gfFertilize the soil.
,fertilize manure,gfmFertilize the soil with manure.
,fertilize vermicompost,gfvFertilize the soil with vermicompost.
,fertilize nitrates,gfnFertilize the soil with nitrates.
,gardening buy,gbBuy gardening supplies.
,gardening convert,gcvExchange Thneeds for credits.
,gardening plant,gplLook at the details of a plant.
,gardening plants,gplsLook at the list of the available plants.
,gardening profile,gpfCheck your gardening profile.
,gardening seed,gsePlant a seed inside the earth.
,gardening state,gtCheck the state of your plant.
,gardening,gGardening commands.
,prune,gprPrune your plant.
,shovel,gshShovel your plant out.
,water,gwWater your plant.
,cahcreditsCode credits.
,cahgamesDisplays up to 10 CAH games in progress.
,chatBroadcasts a message to the other players in your game.
,flushhandFlushes the cards in your hand - can only be done onc..
,gameDisplays the game's current status.
,handShows your hand.
,idlekickSets whether or not to kick members if idle for 5 minu..
,joinbotAdds a bot to the game. Can only be done by the player..
,joinbotsAdds bots to the game. Can only be done by the player..
,joincahJoin a Cards Against Humanity game. If no id or user i..
,laidShows who laid their cards and who hasn't.
,layLays a card or cards from your hand. If multiple cards are..
,leavecahLeaves the current game you're in.
,newcahStarts a new Cards Against Humanity game.
,pickAs the judge - pick the winning card(s).
,removebotRemoves a bot from the game. Can only be done by the..
,removeplayerRemoves a player from the game. Can only be done ..
,scoreDisplay the score of the current game.

Red is now modular and uses commands + subcommands~

If you are confused, type in [p]help [command] and if help command lists subcommands do [p]help [command] [subcommand]

[p] being short for your prefix, such as !, ., ^

NOTE: Do not write your commands in [] or [].

Wrong Example: [p]play [….]

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Right Example: [p]play….

This list is not up to date with the current version and it’s only meant to be a general reference for the features that Red offers. Always rely on the internal help command.


aliasManage per-server aliases for commands


cacheCache management tools.
skipSkips a song, using the set threshold if the requester isn’t
queueQueues a song to play next. Extended functionality in [p]help
shuffleShuffles the current queue
localLocal playlists commands
prevGoes back to the last song.
stopStops a currently playing song or playlist. CLEARS QUEUE.
playlistPlaylist management/control.
ytSearches and plays a video from YouTube
singMakes Red sing one of her songs
pausePauses the current song, [p]resume to continue.
playPlays a link / searches and play
skipSkips a song, using the set threshold if the requester isn’t
songInfo about the current song.
audiostatGeneral stats on audio stuff.
repeatToggles REPEAT
audiosetAudio settings.
resumeResumes a paused song or playlist


cc editEdits a custom command
cc listShows custom commands list
cc deleteDeletes a custom command
cc addAdds a custom command


cogAdditional cogs management


paydayGet some free credits
economysetChanges economy module settings
slotPlay the slot machine
leaderboardServer / global leaderboard
bankBank operations
payoutsShows slot machine payouts


flipFlips a coin… or a user.
rollRolls random number (between 1 and user choice)
stopwatchStarts/stops stopwatch
8Ask 8 ball a question
lmgtfyCreates a lmgtfy link
hugBecause everyone likes hugs
userinfoShows users’s informations
pollStarts/stops a poll
rpsPlay rock paper scissors
stopwatchStarts/stops stopwatch
chooseChooses between multiple choices.
8Ask 8 ball a question
urbanUrban Dictionary search
serverinfoShows server’s informations


gifRetrieves first search result from giphy
gifrRetrieves a random gif from a giphy search
imgurRetrieves a picture from imgur


reasonLets you specify a reason for mod-log’s cases
namesShow previous names/nicknames of a user
ignoreAdds servers/channels to ignorelist
muteMutes user in the channel/server
whitelistUsers who will be able to use the bot
editroleEdits roles settings
banBans user and deletes last X days worth of messages.
modsetManages server administration settings.
blacklistBans user from using the bot
unmuteUnmutes user in the channel/server
cleanupDeletes messages.
renameChanges user’s nickname
kickKicks user.
unignoreRemoves servers/channels from ignorelist
filterAdds/removes words from filter
softbanKicks the user, deleting 1 day worth of messages.


unloadUnloads a module
loadLoads a module
commandDisables/enables commands
leaveLeaves server
reloadReloads a module
versionShows Red’s current version
shutdownShuts down Red
contactSends message to the owner
cogsShows loaded/unloaded cogs
serversLists and allows to leave servers
setChanges Red’s global settings.
uptimeShows Red’s uptime
infoShows info about Red
joinJoins new server
debugEvaluates code


streamsetStream settings
streamalertAdds/removes stream alerts from the current channel
twitchChecks if twitch stream is online
hitboxChecks if hitbox stream is online
beamChecks if beam stream is online


triviaStart a trivia session with the specified list
triviasetChange trivia settings

Discord Slot Bot Commands


Red Discord Bot Slot Machines

Slot bot discord inviteBot

Discord Slot Bot Money

helpShows this message.